When We Are Called Within

by Debra Mae White on March 27, 2016

Butterfly & Cross

“There are so few sanctuaries in the day or in the week that most women can enter alone and set our souls down into the deep” – Kathleen Hirsch

When I was a child and Easter approached, my mother would make us sit still and contemplate what Jesus did for us on the cross. In a bustling household comprised of 7 growing children, you could hear a pin drop on Good Friday. As the eldest, I was given the privilege of sitting with the weight of our large family bible in my lap to read in silence the wisdom handed down through the ages.

Catholicism had little to do with bible study in those days, rendering these rare moments with the word of God all the more special to the inner mystic in me. My young mind may have stumbled over the scriptures, yet my soul knew this encounter as experiencing the holiest of holies. Oh how I relished that sacred time set aside from thinking about every day cares or doing my daily chores! For during that precious retreat, I would rest in reverence of the divine mystery. 

Easter is a time for reflection. Now is when we see what has gone underground during winter spring to life anew. The resurrection symbolizes the re-emerging that we inspire when we give ourselves quiet time to go within and wait for what miracles may come.  

What are you watching arise as you go within? 

Savor the moment… 

Debra Mae


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