Energy Is The New Cash

by Debra Mae White on August 4, 2011

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Have you noticed that the world is shifting? The previous paradigm promoted accumulating money, material possessions and building a life from the outside in. We may be in the throes of letting go of these old patterns.

I find that life is no longer being lived from the outside. Instead, I must dig deep into the well of my interior to connect to the energy required to relish meaningful experience. A walk in nature or an afternoon wiled away with my young grandson is the joy that wins my heart and fuels my creativity.  Energy is the cash I seek.

Optimal performance occurs when the energy being carried outside equals the amount coming inside. We see this in how we power our homes and how plants in our gardens grow. Outmoded tools for building energy include medication, sugary snacks, drinking energy tonics, and even exercising too hard. Pushing the envelope has fast become poison to my body.

Resting in a state of heightened awareness opens a portal to new forms of feeding our minds and nourishing our spirits. When we let down our guard, we tend to go to a place where normal sensory perception is suspended. Often secrets are revealed. Was it Einstein or Edison that received his best ideas while napping?

One must resist the urge to judge peaceful periods of rest as unproductive. All things come when the receiver is willing. Resting in stillness seems to create the willingness within for me. My mission is to listen, observe, and allow. Only the wisdom to spend time in a restful state will yield the energetic cash I need.

Who knew life would present such a paradox?

Savor the moment….

Debra Mae

{ 4 comments… read them below or add one }

Devoni Wardlow August 5, 2011 at 9:19 pm

Resting in stillness…totally works for me…I am at my most creative and receptive early in the morning, when I am waking up and deciding if or when to get out of bed. I love to just lay there and allow my mind to think freely in total silence, in whatever direction it chooses to go, and thus provide me guidance for the day ahead.


Debra Mae White August 5, 2011 at 11:41 pm

How beautiful Devoni! What you are describing has been called being in “Theta.” When the mind enters the Theta state, you often connect with divine inspiration and magical things can happen!


Margaret Duarte August 8, 2011 at 2:22 pm

Listen, observe, and allow. Wonderful advice. I so agree that the body is energized through our spirit as well as nutritious food and exercise. I can eat right and exercise and still feel tired if I’m not following my joy. I find my joy during the quiet times, when I listen to my inner voice–listen, observe, and allow.


Justine August 15, 2011 at 6:48 am

As usual, you have a mighty way with words!
I nominate the title of this blog as the best “catch phrase’ of the 21st century!


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