The Soul Directed Life

by Debra Mae White on September 8, 2016

Beloved Blog Followers,

It is my joy to share with you the extraordinary opportunity I received to speak about my book “Permission to Rest” in an interview on Unity radio last week. My writing mentor, Janet Conner is the weekly host of “The Soul Directed Life” and brings spiritual writers from all over the globe into the homes and hearts of Unity listeners. If you are unfamiliar with Unity radio or Janet’s Soul Directed Life show, I invite you to browse the archives and listen to some of her podcasts. To give you an idea of the caliber of writer Janet typically interviews, the week before my show, she sat with Thomas Moore, the modern mystic who has authored many bestsellers, including “Care of the Soul.”

My heart is brimming with gratitude for all the love and support of my work that I continue to receive from so many sources. I send love and light to each and every one of you.

To hear a recording of the show, follow the link below:

Savor the moment…

Debra Mae

{ 1 comment… read it below or add one }

Amy Isaman September 11, 2016 at 9:53 pm

Debra Mae – I LOVED your interview. I listened to it the other evening on my walk. You did a fabulous job.


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