Breath of Heart

by Debra Mae White on February 26, 2016

Heart Wings

“To many mystics, the world begins and ends with breath. Inside that single action starts life and the known universe.” Matthew Edlund, M.D

Life as we know it contains order and randomness, chaos and contentment. What is real and never changes exists between those temporal conditions, in the space where true rest resides. The mind cannot be trusted as a barometer of what is true. Too often fear attaches the mind to thoughts that have far outlived their usefulness. It is the wisdom resting in the heart we may look to serve us as a more reliable resource.

Tap into wisdom and become the witness of your own heart expanding by connecting within through the following breathing exercise:

Find the center of your heart in your minds eye. Allow your focus to linger there with ease and grace. As you lift your lungs to breathe the breath of life, feel the energy that feeds your being flow through the center of your heart. Keep your mind quiet by counting the inhales and exhales. Notice how your body gratefully accepts each breath and moves to a place of rest where stress dissolves. Linger there in the flow of the hearts loving embrace as long as you like. Listen.

What message is your heart whispering to you today?

Savor the moment….

Debra Mae

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