Praying for Rain

by Debra Mae White on August 12, 2011

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We are in the midst of an unprecedented drought in Texas. The plants in my small plot of land are parched and I am praying for rain. Why is Mother Nature so  unwilling to nurture herself? I ponder whether our harsh thoughts, words and  emotions contribute to brittle realities that have spread to cause the dry soil.

One can easily draw a parallel between the thirsty earth and the human thirst for inner nectar. How can we drink from our cup? For starters,  we must stop the scurrying about. Our task is to quiet the “to dos” and enter  the quiet still water inside our soul instead.

Greg Braden, well known spiritual author of many books  including The God Code, tells a story  in which a Native American Shaman prepares to perform a traditional dance for  rain. As he climbs the mountain to make ready his medicine, he explains that a plea to spirit will not bring rain. Greg’s friend says that in order to invoke the rain, one must dwell within the rain. He expounds further to describe that  in his mind’s eye, he must sense thunder roaring and see the cool drops from  above cascading down upon him.

As I pray for rain, I pray for the insight to know when my  life is in need of moisture. I pray for the knowing  to act on my intuition to nourish myself. I draw upon my destiny to go from  deprivation to deserving. Then I imagine a world blossoming forth in fullness, immersed in a cup running over.

Perhaps when my spirit is watered, my garden will flourish as well.

Wouldn’t that be wonderful?

Savor the moment…

Debra Mae

{ 4 comments… read them below or add one }

Justine August 15, 2011 at 6:44 am

The idea that it is our “destiny to go from deprivation to deserving” is a profound insight. As a therapist, I have first-hand knowledge that healing will only occur if one is willing to embark on that oh so crucial journey.
As ever your words give your readers a framework for granting meaning to the mundane.


Debra Mae White August 15, 2011 at 9:39 am

Thanks for your confirmation! My hope is that individuals and the collective culture will embrace this message.


Andy Wood August 18, 2011 at 8:21 pm

Good stuff! We are needing that sweet nourishing rain in San Antonio.
~Andy’s Garden


Debra Mae White August 18, 2011 at 8:30 pm

Thanks for checking out the blog Andy. There is rain in next week’s forecast. I’ve been sitting on my meditation rock waving my rainstick at the sky and shouting “over here!”


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